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Our Intent

Through music, children are able to express their creativity and their talents through a different approach. Singing and music making is an integral part of life at Forsbrook with excellent engagement in clubs and participation in local and national music events, such as instrumental ensembles performing at the Victoria Hall.

As part of our daily act of Collective worship children learn and celebrate through carefully matched hymns and religious songs. As we “start children off on the way they should go..”, we provide children with a range of experiences and opportunities which gives them the confidence and belief to do their best and believe anything is possible for them. This helps all to flourish and embrace the opportunities beyond school.


WHAT are we aiming for?

Our MUSIC curriculum aims to create children who:

  • are confident to perform in front of an audience
  • have an appreciation of different music genres, world music and musicians
  • understand that music can be influential and affect our emotions
  • understand musical terms and vocabulary
  • can read notation and compose simple pieces on a tuned instrument


HOW do we achieve this?

Our MUSIC curriculum is delivered in a number of ways:

  • As stand-alone, sequences of lessons to deliver essential music skills i.e musical notation.
  • Through our creative curriculum to allow for the application of skills
  • Through annual performances and productions
  • Through enrichment days

We allow for flexibility in the delivery of the music curriculum to ensure that objectives are taught with maximum effect, to bring purpose to musical composition and to make links between different curriculum areas. Forsbrook are currently trialling a music scheme ‘Charanga’ across two phases to improve the delivery of music objectives and to enhance subject-specific knowledge. On evaluation of impact, if this programme enhances learning in music, this will be adopted as a whole school programme from September 2020.

At Forsbrook, we are passionate about singing and performance. This element of the music curriculum is largely taught and applied through annual performances, which take place every year from Nursery through to Year 6. As a church school, we also focus on singing during collective worship and church services.

Our Choir Prepares for Christmas!

Our Choir Prepares for Christmas!

Our wonderful choir had a special visit from a Singing Specialist to help them to prepare for their Christmas concert. The children had a great time learning new skills and developing their confidence in singing.

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Our Wonderful Musicians Perform!

Our Wonderful Musicians Perform!

What a musical treat it has been listening to our wonderful musicians perform during Monday’s Values Awards Assembly. The children have been so brave performing in front of a large audience.

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